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WHO are GORGEOUS games?
Based in the UK, Gorgeous Games are a small boutique games company whose principal aim is to create the best jigsaws in the world. We believe that jigsaws are cool, and are far from the boring time-killers of our childhood. Whether you are buying a family puzzle for the christmas holidays, or want to wind down after a hard day at work, we hope that we have something for everyone.

awesome art

We seriously love the art that we use for our jigsaws and look everywhere to find cool artists with great pieces that would make brilliant puzzle experiences. Our artists are dotted around the globe and create their art in a wide variety of formats from abstract to graffiti to hyper-realistic.

Put away your phones, turn off your TV and relax with the art. Jigsaws are a perfect antidote to the stresses and strains of the mordern world and offer amazing time for reflection and to get away from everything. Grab a coffee, put on some good music and put yourself in the jigsaw-zone.

the jigsaw experience
As avid puzzlers we know our jigsaws. Pieces need to feel good in your hand, fit together pefectly, and strike the right balance in terms of difficulty. We want the puzzle experience to not only be fun, and without getting too weird, to also be a sensual experience. We really care about the experience and only build puzzles that have been play tested and have come out shining.

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